Increase Efficiency with FireStart
Orchestrate people, AI agents and IT systems in smart workflows to save costs, time, and effort

Business Process Management
Create clarity by visualising relevant business processes - as a first step towards automation, for company-wide communication of processes for employees or for documentation as part of corporate governance. If required, roles, risks, IT systems or documents can be linked and the process diagrams can be enriched with any web content.
Process Modelling in BPMN2.0
Active Directoy Integration
Corporate Process Portal
Business Orchestration and Automation
Faster processes, fewer errors, less monotonous work - process models can be transferred directly to automation and transformed into workflows. Harmonised interaction between humans, AI agents and IT systems ensures maximum efficiency in business processes.
Form Builder for manual tasks. Integrated with MS Outlook or MS Teams
No-/Low-code: Easy realisation and maintenance
Agentic Automation
Agentic automation will fundamentally change the way we work. With FireStart, full control is maintained while AI agents are specifically deployed in workflows to realise huge productivity gains. Entire agentic systems are created by multiple AI agents working together. The solution is quick to deploy, simple and flexible to configure. Our experts are happy to help with the implementation.
Inteliigent Document Processing and a lot more
Platform-independent, can be used with all models
Process Reporting & Monitoring
Monitor Processes
Full transparency and control. The status of the workflows can be viewed at any time, notifications are sent in the event of problems or delays in process steps, and intervention in the processes is possible at any time. The analysis of workflow data enables continuous optimisation of processes.
Connect workflow data via API with your BI tools
View workflow instances in detail